Witfox Converter-Privacy Policy


1、 How do we collect information

2、 How do we store and protect information

3、 How do we share and disclose your personal information

4、 How do we manage your information

5、 Application and updates of this policy

6、 How to contact us

7、 Explanation on permissions

8、 Instructions for using SDK

9、 About account cancellation


Witfox Converter is a product developed by Shanghai Fenghu Information Technology Co., Ltd. Our company highly respects your personal information and data, and will do our best to protect the security and reliability of your information and data. This policy only applies to user information and data collected and stored by the Witfox Converter application. Please carefully read, understand, and agree to the Witfox Converter before using it.

This policy specifies how we will collect, use, disclose, process, and protect the information you provide us when using the Witfox Converter app. If we need you to provide certain information for verifying your identity when using the product and connecting to our third-party service providers, we will strictly comply with this privacy policy when using this information. If you have already started using the Witfox Converter app, it means that you have read, licensed, and accepted all the terms described in this privacy policy, as well as any changes we may make at any time in the future.

In addition, you need to promise that you are already an adult when you start using this product. If you are a minor, your guardian needs to agree to your use of this product and agree to the relevant service terms and privacy policies.

Ⅰ、How do we collect information

During your use of our Witfox Converter application, we need to provide you with some information on your phone to provide you with services, improve our service quality, ensure the security of your account, and comply with national laws, regulations, and regulatory requirements:

How to collect and use your information (including personal information) Personal information refers to various information recorded electronically or in combination with other information that can identify a specific natural person's identity or reflect the activities of a specific natural person. Among them, sensitive personal information includes personal biometric information (such as fingerprints, facial features, voiceprints), ID number, bank account, property information, transaction information, and travel trajectory (such as residential and office addresses).

1. Email/third-party login information

During the process of using our application, users need to enter their email to log in. At this time, we will collect the user's email information. If a password is required to log in, the password set by the user will also be stored on our server. If a third-party login such as WeChat is used, we will obtain the user's unique ID and store it to facilitate the user's login and provide complete application functions

2. Basic information set by the user

After the user creates an account, the basic information set by the user will be stored on our server together with the user's account, so that the user can better use our application.

3. We will collect information related to your device (such as device model, device identification, device network information, device environment, and other software and hardware features) and access camera/photo permissions that you need to use during the software usage process, in order to provide you with better features and services.

4. We may save your communication/call records and content or the contact information you leave when you contact us, in order to contact you or help you solve problems, or record the solutions and results of related issues.

According to relevant laws and regulations, collecting your personal information does not require your authorized consent in the following situations:

1. Related to national security, national defense security, public security, crime investigation and prosecution;

2. In order to protect the significant legitimate rights and interests of personal information subjects or other individuals, but it is difficult to obtain your consent;

3. The personal information collected is publicly disclosed by you to the public on your own;

4. Collecting personal information from legally disclosed information, such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure, and other channels;

5. Necessary for signing the contract according to your requirements;

6. Other situations stipulated by laws and regulations.

Ⅱ、How do we store and protect information

We will keep your personal information collected within the necessary period in compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, as well as to achieve the purpose of information collection. After the above deadline, we will no longer retain personal information or anonymize personal information.

1. Data storage location

The personal information we collect and generate in this product and service will be stored within the territory of the People's Republic of China.

2. Data storage period

We only retain your personal information for the time required to achieve the above objectives, and delete or anonymize your personal information after exceeding the retention period, unless otherwise required by laws and regulations.

In the Witfox Converter application, the specific retention time of your personal data is as follows: Basic information will be saved on our server along with the existence of the account. If the user chooses to cancel the account, their basic information will be cleared together.

In addition, if our products or services cease to operate, we will notify you in the form of push notifications, announcements, etc., and delete your personal information or anonymize it within a reasonable period of time.

We will take reasonable and feasible measures to avoid collecting irrelevant personal information as much as possible.

If you find that your personal information, especially your account or password, has been leaked, please contact us immediately so that we can take appropriate measures based on your application.

Please note that the information you voluntarily share or even publicly share when using our services may involve personal information of you or others. Please be more cautious when considering whether to share or even publicly share relevant information when using our services.

At the same time, we will also report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with regulatory requirements.

Ⅲ、How do we share and disclose your personal information

1. Sharing

We will not share your personal information with any third party, but when you voluntarily choose to share or authorize us to share it with a third party, we will share the personal information you agree or choose to share with the third party you specify.

2. Disclosure

We will not disclose your personal information to any third party, except in the following circumstances:

In the following situations, this application will disclose all or part of your personal information according to your personal wishes or legal provisions:

(1) Disclosure to third parties with your prior consent;

(2) To provide the products and services you require, it is necessary to share your personal information with third parties;

(3) Disclose to third parties or administrative or judicial institutions in accordance with relevant legal provisions or requirements of administrative or judicial institutions;

(4) If you violate relevant Chinese laws, regulations, or this application service agreement or related rules, you need to disclose them to a third party;

(5) If you are a qualified intellectual property complainant and have filed a complaint, you should disclose it to the respondent at their request in order for both parties to resolve potential rights disputes;

(6) In a transaction created on this application platform, if either party fulfills or partially fulfills its transaction obligations and requests information disclosure, this application has the right to decide to provide the user with necessary information such as the contact information of its counterparty to facilitate the completion of the transaction or the resolution of disputes.

(7) Other disclosures deemed appropriate by law, regulations, or website policies for this application.

According to relevant laws and regulations such as the Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China, sharing and disclosing personal information that has been de identified and processed, and ensuring that the data recipient cannot recover and re identify the personal information subject, does not constitute external sharing or disclosure of personal information. The storage and processing of such data will not be notified to you separately and your consent will be obtained.

Ⅳ、How do we manage your information

You can access and manage your personal information through the following methods:

1. Access your personal information

You have the right to access your personal information, except in exceptional circumstances stipulated by laws and regulations. You can access your personal information through the following methods:

Account Information - If you wish to access or edit personal profile information in your account, such as avatars and nicknames, you can do so by clicking on your own avatar - Settings.

2. Correct or supplement your personal information

When you discover errors in the personal information we process about you, you have the right to request us to make corrections or supplements. You can apply for correction or supplementation through the methods listed in "Access to Your Personal Information" in Article 1.

3. Delete your personal information

During the use of the software, users can modify their information at any time, perform actions such as killing out uploaded images, and cancel their accounts, all of which can be done in the personal center.

If you encounter any problems during use, you can also contact our customer service personnel at any time.

When you perform special sensitive operations, we will require you to undergo identity authentication to verify that it is indeed your own operation. Please be aware.

4. Respond to your above request

In the following situations, according to legal requirements, we will not be able to agree to your request:

1. Related to national security and national defense security;

2. Related to public safety, public health, and major public interests;

3. Related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial, and enforcement of judgments;

4. There is sufficient evidence to indicate that the personal information subject has subjective malice or abuse of rights;

5. Responding to your request will result in serious damage to your or other individuals or organizations' legitimate rights and interests;

6. Involving trade secrets.

Ⅴ、Application and updates of this policy

Our company reserves the right to update this statement at any time. When the statement is modified, we will inform you of the updated statement through pop ups or notifications. If you continue to use our services, it will be deemed that you agree to our revised privacy policy, and we will only collect, use, and store your personal information in accordance with the updated statement.

This statement shall come into effect from the date of update

Ⅵ、How to contact us

During the process of using our application, users can contact us via email tzl0087@163.com if they encounter any problems. We will check the email as soon as possible and reply within fifteen working days.

Ⅶ、Explanation on permissions

Instructions for using your phone's permissions for applications:

1. Read call status and mobile network information: determine if the phone is connected to the internet

2. Album permissions and camera permissions: Album permissions and camera permissions: Users save videos/images, select videos/images from the album, and use the camera to take photos or process videos

3. Modifying or deleting the content of the SD card: downloading the APK installation package during user software upgrades, and installing/saving compressed files to the phone, etc.

4.Microphone permission: Admit user voice for audio file processing.

Ⅷ、Instructions for using SDK

Explanation on the SDK used in the application:

To ensure the stable operation or implementation of related functions of this app, we may integrate SDKs provided by third parties within the app to achieve the aforementioned goals. The third-party SDK we connect to may involve mobile user information, and users provide services to them. We will evaluate the legality, necessity, and legitimacy of the third-party mobile phone information, and strictly comply with relevant laws, regulations, and regulatory requirements.

Using SDK name:

Youmeng SDK

Service types: statistical analysis, social sharing, message push, one click login and authentication for local phone numbers

Type of personal information collection: device information (IMEI/Mac/android ID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUID/SIM card IMSI information/geographic location, etc.);

Privacy Policy Link: https://www.umeng.com/page/policy

Tencent Open Platform SDK

Package name: com. tent. open/com. tent. auth

Service type: Invitation to add friends, content sharing and cooperation,

Type of information collectedhttps://docs.qq.com/sheet/DQ2JOU1lUaWVRQU1p?tab=BB08J2

Privacy Policy Link:https://wiki.connect.qq.com/qq%e4%ba%92%e8%81%94sdk%e9%9a%90%e7%a7%81%e4%bf%9d%e6%8a%a4%e5%a3%b0%e6%98%8e


Package Name:com.tencent.bugly

Type and purpose of collecting personal information: Information during the running process, in order to provide developers with a more realistic representation of the Crash scene service;

Crash environment: Crash information and thread stack, ROM/RAM/SD card capacity, network/language status, etc

App information: package name, version, and process name

Device information: Android ID, used to determine the Crash device for statistics.

Bugly Privacy Agreement Document Download Address:https://static.bugly.qq.com/bugly-sdk-privacy-statement.pdf

Pangolin (Guangdian Tong) Advertising SDK

Package Name:com.bykv、com.bytedance.sdk

Type and purpose of collecting personal information: obtaining Android ID, obtaining device serial number, obtaining running process information, obtaining software installation list, IMEI

Privacy link:https://www.csjplatform.com/privacy

Youlianghui (Tencent) Advertising SDK

Package name: com.qq.e

Type and purpose of collecting personal information: obtaining running process information, obtaining software installation list, IMEI

Privacy linkhttps://e.qq.com/dev/help_detail.html?cid=2005&pid=5983

Google Advertising SDK

Type and purpose of collecting personal information: obtaining Android ID, obtaining device serial number, obtaining running process information, obtaining software installation list, IMEI

Privacy linkhttps://policies.google.com/technologies/ads?hl=zh&gl=CN&hl=zh_CN


Package Name:com.heytap.msp

Type of personal information collection: application basic information, device identifiers within the application, hardware information of the device, system basic information, and system settings information

Purpose of use: 1. Provide message push services; 2. Calculate the success rate of OPPO push SDK interface calls.

Collect data list https://open.oppomobile.com/new/developmentDoc/info?id=11229

Privacy Policy Link:https://open.oppomobile.com/new/developmentDoc/info?id=10288

Xiaomi Push SDK

Package names: com.xiaomi and com.xiaomimimipush

Type of personal information collection: application basic information, device identifiers within the application, hardware information of the device, system basic information, and system settings information

Purpose of use: 1. Provide message push services; 2. Calculate the success rate of Xiaomi pushing SDK interface calls.

Privacy Policy Link:https://dev.mi.com/distribute/doc/details?pId=1534

vivo Push SDK

Package Name:com.vivo 和 com.vivo.push

Type of personal information collection: application basic information, device identifiers within the application, hardware information of the device, system basic information, and system settings information

Purpose of use: 1. Provide message push services; 2. Calculate the success rate of vivo push SDK interface calls.

Privacy Policy Link:https://dev.vivo.com.cn/documentCenter/doc/652https://dev.vivo.com.cn/documentCenter/doc/706

Huawei Push SDK

Package name: com.huawei.hms

Third party name: Huawei Software Technology Co., Ltd. Collection of personal information Type: Application basic information, device identifiers within the application, hardware information of the device, system basic information, and system settings information

Purpose of use: 1. Provide message push services; 2. Calculate the success rate of Huawei pushing SDK interface calls.

Ⅸ、About account cancellation

Users can choose the account cancellation function according to their own needs, but please remember that once the account is cancelled, all user data will be cleared. Users are advised to use it with caution:

Account cancellation guide: My - Cancel login - Account cancellation - Click confirm

Once the user clicks to log out, their data will be immediately cleared and cannot be retrieved. Please be aware!  

Version update date: March 19, 2024

Version effective date: March 30, 2024